This template will help you begin any learning experience with a blank slate. You will begin with a purpose of your learning experience followed by creating an individual plan that suits you.

Step 1: Start with the ‘WHY’

Begin your learning experience with a ‘WHY’. Why are you learning? What is the purpose? Use the space below to list your reasons, no matter how trivial.

Make a list of reasons:

Make your reasons personal!

Step 2: Make a learning mode list

Personalize your learning plan by listing your modes. This is my list. You can move things around and make it your own.

  1. Learn with peers or a community
  2. Read books, blogs, or other written materials
  3. Watch multimedia content to support reading

Step 3: Track your progress

Learning without tracking is challenging. Tracking helps build momentum and course correct.

Use the following table to track your progress.